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BTM Blog

Join Us on May 14th to Build Bed Ending Child Bedlessness in KC

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BTM Manufacturing, ISSCO, INC. and Twin Lakes Insurance Agency are partnering to help end child bedlessness around Kansas City. Our goal is 60 beds for the MO-Kansas City SE Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We can't do this without YOU! You can help one of two ways... or both! 1. Help Us Build. Join us on May 14, 2022 from 9AM - 1PM for our first Build Day! We will assemble 60 beds for children around Kansas City. ISSCO, INC.405 SE Bailey RdLee’s Summit, MO 64081Sign up here: 2. Donate. Support Sleep in Heavenly Peace's Mission of ending child bedlessness. Our goal is $10,000! Each bed costs $250 to build, so every dollar donated supports the mission. Donate here: Check out this video from a build in October 2021. 

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Fastener Week and Sleep in Heavenly Peace


SAVE THE WEEK! Mid-West Fastener Association FSTNR WEEK is set for August 21-26 with an all new venue at the Hilton Oak Brook Hills Resort. BTM Manufacturing is SO excited to see such an amazing event on the calendar for August 21st. The Sleep in Heavenly Peace #FastenerBedChallenge will allow us all to gather and give back to children in need of beds. What an amazing industry effort! Our team at BTM did this in October 2021 and the impact was incredible. Check out the video from our event:

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BTM Manufacturing Joined in on the Fastener Bed Challenge

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BTM Manufacturing accepted the Fastener Bed Challenge in October and co-hosted a bed building event on Saturday, 10/30 in Lee's Summit, Missouri. We had over 60 volunteers gather to build 50 beds for children around the Kansas City area in desperate need of a safe and warm bed. This was an incredible event and one we hope someone in the fastener industry accepts and contributes to this amazing mission!  It's not too late to donate to Sleep in Heavenly Peace's mission -

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BTM Accepts the Fastener Industry Bed Challenge

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The fastener industry is making a difference, and ISSCO, INC. and BTM Manufacturing have taken on the challenge! Parker Fasteners challenged the industry to a bed building challenge and we accepted! Please join us on October 30th from 9AM - 1PM to build 50 beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace! You can support the mission in the following ways:  1. Volunteer your time on 10/30 at ISSCO's Lee's Summit facility. Register to save your spot here: 2. Make a donation. Each bed costs $250 to build. Every dollar counts... donate today! Want to learn more on the mission? Take a few minutes to watch this powerful video. 

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