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BTM Blog

The UBolt Blend Coffee Evolution

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Last week, Jake Davis took a field trip to Eleos' Coffee House in Kansas City. Per usual, he ordered the pour-over and enjoyed the nice dark blend. While there, we had an opportunity to take a few pictures of the team that literally brought this idea to life. We aren't going to spoil that part of the trip, as you'll get to see the full article in the upcoming Link Magazine issue! However, we did reflect on the evolution made from the inception of the UBolt Blend Coffee idea. Beginning with the ground or whole bean coffee to the introduction of the steak rub to the k-cups, it's been a wild (and fun) ride. Stay tuned for the featured article in the Spring issue of Link. In the meantime, reach out if you want to a refill on...

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Press Release - BTM President Jake Davis Serving as MWFA President


PRESS RELEASEJanuary 16, 2023 Chicago, IL - BTM Manufacturing is pleased to announce that Jake Davis, BTM Manufacturing President, will begin serving as the Mid-West Fastener Association’s Board President effective January 2023. Jake Davis will follow George Hunt III’s term as MWFA President. George Hunt III shares his enthusiasm for MWFA’s new President. “Enter your NEW 2023 Association President, Mr. Jake Davis. They truly don’t come any better than Jake Davis. One of the warmest, sincere, generous, and loving individuals I have ever meet. Our Association is in GREAT hands with the man who simply has a heart of gold. Please join me in welcoming Jake to his newfound role and help us bring him much success in his future endeavors.” The Mid-West Fastener Association is one of the oldest fastener associations in the United States, beginning in 1946. For...

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MWFA Scholarship Dinner & Elections on Nov 3rd

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Who's heading to Elk Grove, IL on Thursday, November 3rd for the MWFA Scholarship Dinner & Elections? BTM President is excited to be heading there and honoring these incredible scholarship winners! Join us - register at Date: November 3, 2022Location: Belvedere Banquets – 1170 W. Devon, Elk Grove, ILTime: 5:00 p.m-6:00 p.m. Cocktails-Open Bar6:00 p.m. Dinner with speaker

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Square Bend U-Bolt Manufacturing

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Check out this project in action! 9/16-18 x 2-1/2"W x 11-1/2"D x 3-7/8" Thread Length Square Bend U-Bolt C1541 Material 

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BTM Featured in Link Magazine for Accepting the Fastener Bed Challenge

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Check out the latest issue of Link Magazine (pg 54) for the feature on the "Fastener Bed Challenge" - first companies to accept were BTM Manufacturing and Parker Fasteners. 

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